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The US Naval Sailing Association – USNSA – is an organization of military-affiliated, predominantly Navy members, formed to promote fleet readiness, develop professionalism, develop a competitive spirit, and impart a love of the sea and skills that may be used in recreational opportunities throughout a life time using small craft training programs. We also encourage and assist Commanding Officers in promoting boating and sailing as part of their training and recreational programs. These missions are carried out through individual members and branches established on or near military bases worldwide Read More


January 8, 2021

Happy new year! I hope that our membership has weathered 2020 and is ready for what almost has to be a better 2021. 

Last year was largely a bust for USNSA. We were unable to do any training for our branches. COVID-19 made that largely impossible. Luckily, our insurer refunded some of our premium, but financially it's been a difficult year for the association. And I know that's it's been difficult for our members and our branches.
To mitigate our financial position, none of the... read more

USNSA Projects

Provides opportunities for military members to compete in a national regatta. The winner of this Navy Sailing sponsored regatta goes on to participate in the national championships

The campaign uses many venues to inform the public about the value of Sail Training programs: to develop leadership, to promote team building and competitive spirit, to develop a seaman’s eye and t

These programs provide financial and technical support for sailing competitions that build experience, confidence and integrity for future navy personnel.


There are many opportunities to help with Navy Sailing Projects. One of the most gratifying is Vets On The Bay.  Our volunteers say it is an honor to donate their time to wounded vets and their families. Make a difference... serve the young men and women who serve our country. Find out how . . .