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Vets On The Bay

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Vets on the Bay is a Respite Program for Recovering Wounded Vets and their Families
Vets on the Bay offers special programs that assist recovering wounded veterans, and their families, to have a day away from the rigors of treatment. VOTB initiatives provide a break from hospital routines, physical therapy and doctors' visits for both veterans and their families. The free program is offered to veterans who are in treatment at

Walter Reed Army Medical Center/ National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda and Warrior Transition Units.

Because it takes energy and will to stay strong during the life-changing events that have occurred to returning wounded soldiers, VOTB's Day on the Bay programs are designed specifically with the needs of veterans and their families in mind.

Although, the Day on the Bay gets the vets out of the institutional medical routine of physical therapy and visits with doctors, the major benefit is to give an opportunity for the families to share experiences and provide an environment for informal support groups to be formed. There are many worthy organizations helping the vets themselves but few are as committed as Vets on the Bay to involve family and friends. The events are free to the Vets and their families and friends.

The United States Naval Sailing Association and Foundation is proud to have Vets on the Bay as an affiliate and good friend.  Please visit Vets on the Bay!